Smartcore is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


Reach your audience with smarter digital campaigns

Reach 409,000+ engaged buyers of ingredients with digital marketing campaigns, all year round.


Unique visitors on our online platforms in the last 12 months


Ingredients buyers in our database


Email newsletter subscribers


Followers on our social media platforms

Our Audience Breakdown

4 ways we help ingredient suppliers meet their digital marketing objectives

Brand Awareness

Grow your online presence and showcase your brand to buyers of ingredients with digital  marketing campaigns.

Lead Generation

Be contacted by companies interested in your products, and generate highly-qualified GDPR-compliant leads.

Thought Leadership

Grow your online presence and showcase your brand to buyers of ingredients with digital  marketing campaigns.

Targeted Marketing

With targeted marketing you can reach the right audience for your business, based on geography, product interest, or job function.

Each product is designed to achieve specific business objectives. Identify your priority:

  • Would you like to build brand awareness?
  • Or is lead generation the primary goal?
  • Are you looking to share expert insights about your product or applications?

We’re here to help you identify which product will suit your objectives and budget best.

The best-in-class B2B food and nutrition marketing solutions partner for smarter digital campaigns that drive business growth – with unrivalled expertise in your prospects.

Masters in all things digital marketing, Smartcore empowers you to reach your buyers with smarter digital campaigns. Our objective is to maximise your brand awareness, generate excellent-quality leads, and deliver greater returns on your investment and time.

Our invaluable data - including an extensive global network of 400,000+ ingredients buyers - data-driven insights, and specialised digital content channels in the B2B food and nutrition industry, set us apart from the rest. Combined with our expertise in smarter digital campaigns, you can effectively reach relevant buyers for your products at every stage of the Digital Marketing & Sales Funnel with us.

Are you:

  • Launching a new ingredient or product and aiming to promote it to relevant buyers?
  • Determined to maximise your brand’s global awareness among your buyers?
  • Interested in establishing thought leadership within your industry?
  • Ready to grow your business into new global markets?


Smartcore is the answer. 

With us, you can reach real people and achieve real results. 

Clients we work with

The impact we create – Client testimonials

Have questions? Let's talk

Book a 30-minute demo to discuss any queries you may have about smarter digital campaigns.