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Navigating Key Trends in B2B Food and Nutrition Marketing for 2024 with Smartcore

📅 29 May 2024  |  ⏱️ 6 minute read

The business-to-business (B2B) landscape is full of opportunities and challenges, each more dynamic than the last. Innovation and adaptability are key, and future-proofing your digital presence is a must.

The aim of this blog post is straightforward: to shed light on the key trends shaping B2B food and nutrition marketing in 2024 and empower you to confidently navigate its shifting landscape. From the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) to the significance of personalisation and data-driven strategies, we'll uncover the tactics that will set your brand apart in this digital age. By understanding these trends and embracing change, you can position your brand for sustained success in the years to come.

But first, let's take a step back and examine the unique challenges and opportunities that define B2B food and nutrition marketing today. In a world where digital disruption is the new normal, brands must compete with shifting consumer preferences, emerging technologies, and a continuously competitive marketplace. Consumer behaviours and engagement patterns have undergone major transformations, leaving traditional marketing approaches less effective. Breaking through the digital noise to generate brand awareness, traffic, and leads has become increasingly difficult, demanding new strategies tailored to audience preferences. As brands strive to remain ahead of the curve, the ability to innovate and adapt to align with emerging trends is necessary for success.

Who are we? Smartcore is your best-in-class B2B food and nutrition marketing solutions partner for smarter digital campaigns that drive business growth – with unrivalled expertise in your prospects. We empower ingredients suppliers to reach their buyers in key global markets. Our invaluable data, including an extensive network of over 400,000 ingredients buyers, data-driven insights, and specialised digital content channels in the B2B food and nutrition industry are what set us apart from the rest. Discover Smartcore’s 2024 Digital Media Kit.

Key Trends in B2B Food and Nutrition Marketing for 2024

Explore our selection of key trends to keep in mind for your B2B food and nutrition marketing in 2024. With these in focus, you’ll also find actionable tips for integrating them into your broader marketing strategy.

  1. Personalising and Making Data-Driven Decisions: This year sees a clear shift towards personalised experiences and data-driven strategies. In fact, marketers whose brands give customers a personalised experience are 215% more likely to say their marketing strategy in 2023 was very effective compared to those that don’t offer a personalised experience (source). Hence, to drive better results, understanding your audience is paramount. By segmenting your audience and tailoring your content to suit specific buyer personas, you create personalised marketing moments that resonate deeply with your prospects. Data not only helps to inform these tactics but also allows you to create more individualised customer interactions and measure campaign effectiveness accurately. This ensures you're delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.

        For example, let's say a supplier wants to market their new meat alternative product to buyers in Research & Development.         By making data-driven decisions, they can personalise their marketing strategy to include webinars, strategically time         their campaign around favourable dates, and thus ensure they reach the most relevant audience with the most relevant         message at the most relevant time.

    2. Revamping Your Social Media Marketing Strategy: According to HubSpot’s 2024 State of Marketing & Trends Report,         marketers are increasingly targeting buyers who grew up online. In fact, 74% of marketers want to engage millennials and         67% want to reach gen X, versus only 27% of marketers interested in baby boomer audiences. The report highlights         Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok as having the strongest return on investment (ROI), aligning with where         marketers are investing in 2024. When considering your business, experiment with various social media platforms to         determine which ones best reach your target audience. Embracing engaging content, community building, and platform-          specific strategies can effectively help you reach your target audience and optimise your social media marketing efforts.         Check out our complete guide to B2B Social Media Marketing in 2024 here.

        For instance, if your company is exhibiting at Fi Europe, a good addition to your social media strategy could be to upload a         trending-style video of your team getting ready for the event or at your booth, inviting visitors to meet you. Videos make         for engaging narrations that capture attention and inspire action, tying in with our next trend to keep top of mind for 2024:         video content.

    3. Prioritising Video Content: Whether it's long-form interviews and webinars or short, snappy clips, video storytelling         captivates audiences like no other and is stealing the content marketing spotlight. Why so? Videos empower you to give         your business a face and a voice, engage viewers through immersive experiences, and expand on a relevant topic. Not         only this, but they’re also easily shareable type of content, especially on the go and with mobile users. According to Norvell         Jefferson’s B2B Marketing Trends Report 2024, video has become the B2B marketer’s tool of choice to articulate their         values, vision, and transform complex solutions into compelling stories—68% of those surveyed say they plan on         developing engaging videos to enhance their brand’s visibility and authority in the industry. Thus, by prioritising video in         your marketing strategy, you can meet the evolving preferences of your audience and stand out in a crowded digital era.

Want to create and share consistently impactful content that connects with your target audience? Our Custom Content Production is an excellent choice. Whether it’s custom videos and articles, interviews, infographics, reports, surveys, or whitepapers that differentiates you from competitors, we can deliver the most in-demand types of custom content in the industry, seamlessly integrated alongside our editorial content on Fi Global Insights or Vitafoods Insights.

    4. Collaborating on Content: Creating content that effectively reaches your target audience, secures high levels of online         engagement, and generates leads are three of the top five challenges marketers face with content marketing (source). If         you lack the capacity or capability to craft high-engagement content, consider establishing collaborations with         industry-specific content partners. This allows you to tap into the expertise of thought leaders, content editors, and         producers, reach complementary audiences, and benefit from shared resources and networks. Collaborative efforts also         enable you to position your content alongside relevant articles, maximising your visibility, credibility, and engagement. This         provides valuable opportunities for business growth and success in a competitive market.

Discover how IMCD Food & Nutrition, a renowned name in the world of specialty food ingredients and flavours, collaborated with us to publish an article on our Ingredients Network website. Their content addressed exactly what their customers, our website audiences, were looking for regarding nutritional improvement trends, challenges, and tips. Browse their success story here.

    5. Amplifying Marketing Efforts with AI: In 2021, the market for AI reached an estimated 15.84 billion USD, with projections         exceeding 107.5 billion USD by 2028. This rise of AI in digital marketing presents unparalleled opportunities to enhance         strategising sessions, develop innovative content strategies, optimise marketing campaigns, drive ROI, and achieve new         levels of success. Interested in learning more? Unveil the full impact of AI in digital marketing here.

Partner with us

It’s clear that embracing proactive strategies is essential for staying ahead in the dynamic B2B food and nutrition marketing landscape. By understanding and leveraging these trends, you can drive growth and innovation within your business.

Are you ready to take your B2B food and nutrition marketing to the next level? At Smartcore, we help you navigate the changing digital scene and implement effective solutions tailored to your needs. Explore our smarter digital products and packages, custom-created to maximise brand awareness, generate excellent-quality leads, and establish thought leadership in your industry. Partner with us to future-proof your marketing efforts and ensure sustained success in 2024 and beyond.

Explore some of our success stories to see how we’ve helped other businesses reach their buyers with smarter digital campaigns. Contact us today to learn more about the smarter solutions we offer and the challenges we can address for your brand. Get in touch with us here.

Written by Serena Botelho

Serena is a digital marketing enthusiast with a passion for storytelling that empowers businesses to elevate their successes. Determined to inspire audiences, she enjoys collaborating with expert marketing teams to produce insightful content tailored to B2B audiences. In her free time, Serena loves cooking, creating content, and playing music.